
With the closure of Kindle Vella, words and plans to launch BtF have shifted gears and means. As we dust off the Paranormal Romantic — and slightly steamy— world and switch it to a new home, a new release tempo is also in the works. We proudly present the publications listed here below.

Check back weekly for new content, and maybe a surprise author contribution!

Bind then Fly: your trusted source for Gifted news The origin story of Matt Sanders, and, well, this site!

Setting: Late Spring, 2024

Location: University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida

Status: Releasing NOW on Amazon: Kindle

Dark Side of the Line : A horrific awakening provides keys to the past could unlock the future

Dark Side of the Line: Holly is on a mission to avenge her friend’s attack!

Setting: Late Spring, 2024, immediately follows “

Location: University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida

Status: Released on Amazon Kindle!